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Art with Seniors in Nursing Homes


Fill yourself with love, think of the things that give your heart the most ease and makes your shoulders drop, your breath slow, and your core feel warm and blanketed. Start there and ask for Truth. 

Spend more time asking for truth than speaking about any of the outrageous current affairs of our time. If others are speaking about it, tell them about the #Pray4Truth movement. It is all over every social media platform, #pray4truth is totally trending. Share the idea. 

This is how we come together and create an energy that has the potential to change the world. PRAY FOR TRUTH.

 Truth is freedom. Truth is Power. Truth cannot stay hidden forever.  

At this point, we do not need to agree on what needs to be done, we simply need Truth. We need to demand it, in all things. Seek the authentic. This is the one thing we can do together that creates an energy that is in vibrational alignment to a better future. 

This is a win for all of humankind, and one thing that we can ALL do immediately. Let us pray together and create a future where truth guides the hearts of humanity. 


To alleviate suffering: PRAY 

If you pray to a god that answers prayers, ask that truth be revealed. Please just pray, from your heart. Not just in words, but speak to God, in whatever way you can, ask for truth. Fill yourself with love and ask.

If you do not pray, then simply create an energy within yourself that feels like love, a vibrational equivalent to that of truth. Some need to sit for a moment in that energy to find it, some feel it all the time. Simply create the feeling within, and it calls to the energy of that match for the future. Ask in that moment for truth to be revealed. Optimism, courage, compassion, and love all come from a similar energy signal.

Spend more time creating that energy signal in the world than focusing on the doom and gloom associated with the current events. 

Stay informed but ask for truth to be revealed. See the signs of it as it comes in your life and know it is working. Seek truth, pray for it. 

A prayer is an energy signal in this world. The only way we can conquer deceit is with love. This is the way we can do it together without sacrificing any of our personally held beliefs. 




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