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Showing posts from January, 2022


#Pray4TRUTH Fill yourself with love, think of the things that give your heart the most ease and makes your shoulders drop, your breath slow, and your core feel warm and blanketed. Start there and ask for Truth.  Spend more time asking for truth than speaking about any of the outrageous current affairs of our time. If others are speaking about it, tell them about the #Pray4Truth movement. It is all over every social media platform, #pray4truth is totally trending. Share the idea.  This is how we come together and create an energy that has the potential to change the world. PRAY FOR TRUTH.  Truth is freedom. Truth is Power. Truth cannot stay hidden forever.   At this point, we do not need to agree on what needs to be done, we simply need Truth. We need to demand it, in all things. Seek the authentic. This is the one thing we can do together that creates an energy that is in vibrational alignment to a better future.  This is a win for all of humankind, and one thing that we can ALL do imm

Tune in NOW

We need multiple outlets for spiritual discussions. Spiritual teachers all over the world are being called to write, speak, promote, and record the messages they all hear so loudly: We are all the same spirit of life within; there is no division, and we are not honoring our home. While there are some still willing to turn a blind eye to the abuse of nature that this human race is afflicting upon the Earth, most of us can feel innately that we must make change. However, every one of us lives in our own version of reality. From the moment we are born we are being programmed by society to create opinions about the world around us.  Will these people like me? What if they don't? How will I manage? Will my life need to change? What will that change look like? Where will I get the money for that? How much will it take? What if it is totally dreadful? How will I ever manage to get out of that? When is the right time? How many people also think that? What if they are all wrong? What if I b