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Tune in NOW

We need multiple outlets for spiritual discussions. Spiritual teachers all over the world are being called to write, speak, promote, and record the messages they all hear so loudly:

We are all the same spirit of life within; there is no division, and we are not honoring our home.

While there are some still willing to turn a blind eye to the abuse of nature that this human race is afflicting upon the Earth, most of us can feel innately that we must make change. However, every one of us lives in our own version of reality. From the moment we are born we are being programmed by society to create opinions about the world around us. 

Will these people like me? What if they don't? How will I manage? Will my life need to change? What will that change look like? Where will I get the money for that? How much will it take? What if it is totally dreadful? How will I ever manage to get out of that? When is the right time? How many people also think that? What if they are all wrong? What if I believe different from them? Will they still love me? What if my religion didn't have it all exactly right? 

One thought after another comes into our minds and occupies our head, creating endless rabbit holes to explore in empty, pointless distraction. All the while talking over the voice of 'god' within. 

A search on the words 'mysticism and the voice of god within' shines light on just how many thoughts have already been captured in this realm. My background in traditional Greek Orthodoxy, the most ancient of Christian teachings, also taught that God was within, as we were created in 'his' image, from the spark of Life itself. 
I no longer believe god has a gender. In fact, the concept of God is so vast and our ability to create language around it so limited, that only a mind truly capable of fluid open thought can grasp how awe-inspiring the concept of an all-knowing, all-seeing force that drives the cell to divide and continue to grow, explore, and learn is the very same energy within all of us. And that energy has a message:

Wake up: See that I am You

We are the same spirit within, but our bodily experiences are a series of learned programming by society/family/loved ones/religion to see ourselves as separate. So many spiritual leaders throughout the centuries have had this same message, and new teachers every day join the chorus with their own unique perspectives/human experiences, and yet that message is always the same. We have not been taught to hear it, instead the programming of society creates a constant flow of jumbled, unrelated, irrelevant thought to speak over it until we are nothing more than a tangled ball of thoughts in our mind. This is the awakening that so many speak of; quiet the voices that create separation and find that which unites us together: 


The jumbled thoughts are a training we have allowed in our minds because we were not taught a more peaceful existence. They are a profound learned behavior that do not serve our future or our present experiences for the highest good; neither personal good nor collective. The voice within us is the same voice, even if the messages seem a little different. We have a filter of language that limits what the voice can convey and depending upon the bodily experiences/ego/waterbag/meat sack/pain body; unlearning, and at the same time, forgiving ourselves for our past ignorance, all play a major role in how well we can tune into this voice of spirit. 

This voice lives with you in the only moment that is real: the NOW. Presence is the act of casting aside the voice in the head that talks over the voice of god within. Eckhart Tolle speaks of this at great length in every one of his wonderful books on the topic and in countless YouTube videos like this one: 

If you consider that the past is a memory and the future is imagination, then this moment is the only moment that matters, the only moment that is 'real' and the time in which GOD is with you. If you allow yourself to be consumed by the tangled mess of thoughts in your head in this present moment, you drown out the voice of god/spirit. 

The first step is to acknowledge the process. See the thought come in and set it aside. Depending on the thought, I deal with it in a few different ways: 

Not my problem to solve. Not now.

Thankfully, most of the problems of the world are not mine to solve. Politics are the #1 topic I avoid with this mindset in place. Unless I step up to lead the people in some political arena, I know my heart of hearts, where god lives, will drive my decision making and I will not let myself be consumed down a rabbit hole of "what if" on any topic. There is a learned trust that comes in practicing to let go of thought. Every answer you need will be available at the moment it is needed, for the voice within already knows every answer to every question. Get out of your own head to hear it. 

Delete. Delete. Delete. 

Thoughts are a creation in the universe that was never there before it was created. Every thought has an energy signature within it, and we can measure thoughts in vibration and see them in water. The Laws of Attraction suggest that creating positive thought brings positive results to life. Likewise, the creation of negative thoughts, brings more negative results to life. If I catch myself in a negative thought, or even worse, I add energy to a thought by putting it into words, I 'delete' that thought with a thought or words outload, erasing it from my experience, replacing it with a positive. Every single thought that causes anxiety, stress, or worry falls into this category. You need not know an outcome; simply live into the feeling that it will work out. It always does.  

Accept What IS

However we got to this moment in time, to the point where you have read all of this post this point, has been, in my opinion, exactly what was needed to make this moment perfect. A time where we are seeking to better ourselves, to live into the best version of ourselves that we can be, and to let go of the notion that "If only this thing had not happened to us..... things would be different." 

The truth is that we create the energy in this moment that will affect our future. When we open our hearts to the voice of god and let it drive the decisions we make, every moment becomes perfectly aligned to both the personal and collective good of the entire world. Spirit has a plan for us and the only thing in the way of that is ourselves. Regret is a waste of mental energy since we have no ability to change the past, and in many cases, we cannot even trust that we remember the events accurately; further bringing into question why we feel as though we need to beat ourselves up over memories we have no ability to change. Healing starts when we fully feel into the pain of the regret and accept that it had to happen to make us the courageous individuals we are today.  

Watch the thoughts. See how many are filled with negativity and judgement. Start with forgiving yourself for not knowing any better and recognize there is a possibility of peace within by simply reprogramming the internal dialogue. One does not need to add more mental chatter to replace the negativity, but simply create within a feeling of loving acceptance and gratitude. This feeds the spirit of god within us, for is says "I Am" not the driver, "I AM" simply the tool of creator, thereby enhancing the experience of every future moment (via miracles) because it is so much more fun to hang out in a joy-filled human experience than one that represents a jumbled ball of anxious, stressed-out pointless thought. 

Today is the day to start: right NOW. 


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