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Collaborative Artwork with Xene                                                     Beautiful Joni April 2020

We often learn the most in moments of painful transition. Time coupled with hindsight bring the experiential perspective full circle into transformative life lessons. However, oftentimes we are so caught up in the story around the event, we sabotage ourselves from ever fully absorbing the teaching. 

Those lessons transform only when we see the hardship as a reason to be grateful, and not a necessary life narrative that retells a story of victimhood to everyone we meet.  All too often we get stuck in a narrative of our own making, exhausting any audience willing to listen, we turn the story inward and let our minds fester in the anguish of the perceived misdeed.

That is an energy created within that affects our future.

But you might say "I'm a really nice person, I am always upbeat and positive!" And no doubt you are, because I was too, especially around others, but what energy do we create within? That energy is actually the MOST important, for if we are only pleasant toward others when we feel me must but speak to ourselves (and often those we love most) with harshness, that outward nice/happiness is a lie. 

Within: watch your thoughts. 

Not that long ago, I would speak to myself in a way that I would never tolerate from another in an external manner. This internal dialogue was an endless deluge of complaint about every aspect of life, but most often extreme criticism about how I looked; pictures or mirrors were the worst! Of course, if something I was attempting was going wrong, I was even less gracious out loud, often saying things like "you stupid woman" or "God, I am an idiot!" I taught this by example to my children on repeat and my short fuse made it a character trait they saw far too often.

What we do not realize is that adding words to a thought is creating more energy around it. Saying it out loud runs the risk of others hearing it and adding more of the same kind of energy toward the thought, where it was once only one thought, it multiplies with spoken word. If one needs to correlate this to God in some manner (resistant to the language of life being affected by the energy we create) change the framing of that expression to words that fit your religious belief: negative thoughts are a direct criticism of the life/body/experience God has given you. Gratitude is the opposite of negativity and feeds the flow of life blessings.

Change the energy you create and change your life.

Assess your thoughts. Watch them come into your mind and notice the energy they hold. This will tell you if you are content, this is where you find the source of that which agitates the heart. We are so distracted by the social media frenzy of news and angst created by current events that we are spinning on the inside and do not even realize it because of the similar rotation of everyone around us. The secrete it to find the calm, for that is where God/source/life whispers back to us. 

We must sit in silence as a form of training. Some turn to meditation, but gardening, exercise, and art all have a similar effect. Quiet the mind to see the thoughts come and go and dissect the ones that create the turmoil inside. What can you do about them and how can you work through them to find inner peace?

Thoughts from past heartache?

We cannot change the past. The past is captured in memory only, and you are in control of the story you create around it. We create our own suffering over past wrongs we have no ability to change, and we build energy around the story that either enhances or sabotages the future. All experiences have a lesson hidden within, the perspective of seeing how it has redirected our path and the choices we make as a result of that redirect are within us. Self-pity and anger cloud the mind and lead to poor decision making, while a heart filled with love and gratitude directs us to loftier and healthier outcomes. You are in control of your thoughts, create the energy within that you want to cycle back to you. 

Sometimes the hurt requires speaking of it to gain perspective from others but observe the energy you attach to the story and with whom you share it. Do you share the story with those who can help you work through the issue, or are you sharing the story only to build your ego? Often, we tell a story of how others have wronged us in order to feed ourselves from the pity or anger we create in the listener to further justify our own negative feelings. If we share stories just to incite, we are feeding the ego, attempting to persuade others to support our side over those who 'did us wrong'. Stories, and the words with which they are created can be a powerful energy that ripple out negativity in waves with every telling. Be extremely mindful of retelling events that stir negativity in others. That negativity is a ripple that reverberates back to you in the karmic cycle. 


Some find the act of letting go easier with fire. Write the past hurt on paper, find a safe place to burn it, and throw it into flames. You then choose going forward if you want to create energy of hurt around a thing, or if you deserve the best possible life and work toward breaking an old thought pattern to redirect your internal dialogue toward a better, more positive future. 


Anxiety about the future?

The future is complete imagination. None of us have a clue what the future holds but creating worry about the unknown is the opposite of the energy you deserve in your life going forward. Any energy you create toward an unknown future has the potential to sabotage the abundance of that future. Worry and anxiety are the same negative energy of fear and tell God that you do not actually believe things will work out for you, again, this is the opposite of gratitude. Gratitude in the present moment creates future reasons to be grateful. Stop creating the opposite, you deserve better. 

Build a robust karmic bank account. 

The key to knowing things will work out is the degree to which you invest in your own personal karmic bank account. Knowing that you have invested in yourself in this positive way, even when things look incredibly bleak and dismal, a positive attitude can create miraculous outcomes. Here are a few ways to create an abundant karmic energy account: 
  1. Share your gifts with others. Whatever they are, volunteer, sing, make art, and find ways to share love with those who need it. The bigger the ripple of joy you create the more you can depend upon it to bless your life when you need it most. 
  2. Take good care of your body. The very energy of life itself, God is within you, a gift that is squandered when polluted with toxic food and thought, lack of sleep, and drown in libations. Honor the body with good food, for it will reward you with a higher functionality, making everything you attempt easier. 
  3. Repattern your thought process. Shut off the TV, get into nature and watch over your thoughts. God lives within you in the present moment and will whisper the actions that result in the best path forward if you quiet distractions. 
  4. Make time for whatever modality you need to find your peace. Every single person has a different life experience from another, so no one method fits everyone. Find the thing that brings you calm and make time for it. Personally, I like sound meditation, yoga, sitting near the water, and creating art, but I firmly believe everyone should experiment to find the thing that gives them the most peace. 
I would love to hear your opinions. Leave a comment below about how you find your inner peace. Thanks so much for reading! 

May your day be blessed. 

And as always, please continue to #pray4Truth. I am certain it is working. 💜


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